社交社群类APP--产品经理 远程兼职

岗位职责: 1、负责市场调研、竞品寻找和分析,输出产品需求文档和组织需求评审等; 2、负责制定和细化产品定义,完整输出产品设计原型、需求文档和交付要求等; 3、负责新品发布、卖点提炼; 4、组织内外部产品培训; 5、产品日常管理,产品相关文档的编写、更新和维护等; 6、负责销售部提交的客户需求评估及导入; 7、参与产品规划、新品定位等工作。 8、配合UI完成设计,跟进产品的开发、测试过程,确保产品的上线质量。 9、 进行产品的优化迭代,打磨产品体验。 任职要求: 1、本科以上学历,具备3年以上软件APP产品规划和设计经验;有一定的成功案例优秀; 2、具备社交通讯、直播短视频APP产品经验者优先; 3、熟练使用Axure、Visio、Xmind等办公软件输出产品原型设计,PRD等需求文档,具备较强的逻辑思维能力,良好的文档编写和流程梳理能力; 4、具备良好的沟通表达能力与组织协调能力,高效执行力,以及较强的市场敏感度; 5、精通互联网产品的运作模式及产品特征,熟悉产品从规划到推出市场的整个流程,能够很好的把控产品的迭代周期。 费用是:一天500元;或是按照项目整个梳理清楚,整个全部价格2000左右。 工作地点:深圳市宝安区西部硅谷 需求:人员在深圳,可以当面沟通,有丰富的社交社群类APP产品经验

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昵称登录后显示 大约 3 年前发布

预估 2000 元

二手奢侈品电商 远程全职

我们是一家欧洲的B2B二手奢侈品电商平台,现在正在寻找合适的产品经理人选,协助我们的海外团队对接国内的合作伙伴及供应商,沟通传达双方在软件技术方面的需求。 中英文必须能流利沟通,日常对接的同事和客户有很大一部分是外国人。最好是在上海,方便和国内其他同事以及合作伙伴面对面工作对接。 以下是英文的职位介绍: Luxclusif is looking for a Senior Product Manager (B2B Marketplace) to join our Product Team. Luxclusif operates inside a multi-sided network of partners consisting of buyers, suppliers, and demand channels. To efficiently enable all of our partners, we are building the platform to support the interactions of the pre-owned industry. The B2B Marketplace plays a central piece in our product line, and is at the heart of our platform. Working together with a squad of engineers, designers, and analysts, you’ll be able to shape and deliver the products that will be the foundations of our company, both revamping our current ways of working as paving the way for new partners to call our platform a home to grow their business. You’ll have the mission to drive our core business to the next level, while building the foundations for future product teams to be created inside our company. Our company is fully global distributed across Manila, Tokyo, Porto, and Tallinn. Discovering new cultures and time-zones, are part of the perks. You will: ● Shape a new product line working closely with your Product Development team, and with the support Head of Product & Head of Technology. ● Transform our current operations and processes into newly built tech products. ● Be the gatekeeper of the vision, strategy, and progress of the product line to the overall company. ● Own a roadmap for the B2B Marketplace product line, transforming ideas into solutions and deliverables. ● Interface with our Partners to ensure our ideas and products are fulfilling their needs. ● Measure and assess the impact of your product line with small experiments. ● Keep up with market trends to understand how our product strategy should be affected by what is happening outside our company. ● Work together with our tech teams, business analysts, and internal departments to ensure dependencies are well communicated and coordinated. ● Document and showcase the value of your product, acting as the owner of your own tech-line ● Provide ideas on how we should expand our processes and ways of working. You are: ● Product Manager, Business Analyst, or Operations Manager with 4+ years experience. ● Proven track record of managing or delivering complex projects, products, or initiatives. ● Experienced with tech-enabled products inside retail, e-commerce, trading, fashion, or integrations. ● Able to transform a tech strategy to a go-to-market strategy with structured pitches and value propositions. ● Passionate about tech-enabled services, business logics, and system architecture. ● Experienced with Product practices as Roadmapping, Product Documents, Backlog Management. ● Experienced with business mapping and process design. ● Enthusiastic about creating and sharing your outputs. ● Excellent communicator (verbal and written) capable of showcasing your ideas in compelling ways to different audiences. ● Comfortable in leading meetings with different audiences (from luxury partner leadership teams to your own team). You value: ● Ambitious challenges and building your own opportunities. ● Seeing your work having a direct impact on the company results. ● Global environment with flexible working hours and locations. ● Transparent leadership communication. ● Excellence in delivering. ● Autonomy, accountability, and high performance. ● Being measured by outcomes.

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昵称登录后显示 3 年多前发布

预估 1200元 / 8小时

项目:移动端网站制作工具;寻产品顾问 远程全职

一、需求描述 产品类别:个人创业,小型tob工具类产品(https://www.flymoque.com/) ,用于在线自助发布微场景的移动端九宫格微站,用于宣传推广。 开发进度:20年11月份上线的,目前小规模个人资源推广测试小半年了,注册量极低,没人使用起来,遇到瓶颈。 功 能: 1、针对于企业的会议邀约、产品介绍、宣传招聘、培训教育几大场景提供手机端九宫格微站制作,用于分享、传播、推广;功能围绕着基础的手机端展示网页,设置首页、内容后进行导航跳转设置,有一些基础的组件:轮播图、富文本、倒计时、公告、不同导航组件、开屏视频广告、背景音乐等。 2、短信邮件群发工具 属于建议无需代码能力的H5制作工具,通过点击一目了然的一屏九宫格模块访问详情内容页,可以微信分享、在移动端通过链接二维码在各APP访问。 主要针对于企业市场部、活动策划执行等第三方公司、协会政府单位、人事部。 二、参考产品 搜狐快站(https://m.kuaizhan.com/)、佑科轻站(https://www.yooke365.com/about.html) 三、人才需求 丰富的项目经验,有一定的运营产品经验,最好能有个人创业经验,比较理解个人创业的困难和问题, 四、其他要求 无要求,最好北京,主要是希望能够给予指导顾问的角色。

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昵称登录后显示 3 年多前发布

预估 600元 / 8小时




