var skillList =
"Server-side" : ["c#", "APS.Net MVC" "node.js", "python"],
"DataBase" : ["SQLServer", "SQLite", "MySQL"],
"Version Control" : ["git", "SVN"],
"Hardware" : ["arduino"],
"Mobile" : ["iOS", "WindowsPhone"]
var workExperiences =
"company" : "杭州有赞科技有限公司(原口袋通)",
"projs" :
"name" : "有赞微商城(原口袋通)",
"desc" : "I am responsible for adding new features, test and modify BUG in this project, I was able to solve some problems quickly. The biggest problem encountered in this project is developed without server interface. I created a tool used to convert objects to simulated data. Use this tool to simulate the request to the server."
"company" : "浙江诺游动漫文化有限公司",
"projs" :
"name" : "海创派",
"desc" : "It's a local social app. People can buy snacks and order takeaway on it, and people can publish carpool info. In this project I write a simple waterfalls flow to adapt the low versions."
"name" : "2Plus",
"desc" : "It's a 2048 game in iOS, at that time, i just free, so I engraved it into iOS. It used GameCenter to record user's points."
"name" : "不吐槽会死(未上线)",
"desc" : "Unfortunately, it's not be published. I think it is a fun app, people can spit groove funny images and upload them with words and recordings. We use speex to unite the recordings format at iOS android and PHP."
"name" : "funnymama!",
"desc" : "In this project, We use FaceBook SDK to let people login and share."
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