IBM中国系统部软件架构师;Kubernetes Maintainer;吉林大学硕士毕业,主修网格计算,分布式计算;毕业后加入IBM,专注于集群管理、资源及作业调度,服务治理等,在分布式领域有超过十年的工作经验。在KubeCon/MesosCon 2016等国际会议上发表演讲,并多次在国内的Meetup/CSDN大会上发表演讲;在CSDN有多篇关于Kuberentes, Mesos 文章。
Open Source Developer of Spectrum Conductor for Container
Kubernetes Maintainer: several patches:
Run multiple application in k8s #36716 (kube-arbitrator incubator project)
Contribution in upstream
Kube-mesos Maintainer: several proposals:
Integrate Namespace/Quota with CloudProviders [#31069]
Integrate kube-DNS with external DNS [#28453]
Make k8sm-scheduler using reserved resource firstly [#31068]
Kubernetes use revocable resources from Mesos [#19529]
Refactor k8sm to avoid re-ship binaries [k8sm#20] (on-going)
Mesos Contributor: several patches and major proposals:
Reusable/Cacheable Offer [MESOS-4811]
Oversubscription for reservation [MESOS-4967] (with prototype)
Manage offers in allocator [MESOS-4553]
Enable requestResource for Marathon/Kubernetes
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